August 26, 2021

Spring is the season of hope, budding flowers, bouncy lambs and the end of winter! But for those who suffer from hay fever, it can be a real drag. You may have already started to experience itchy eyes and runny noses as the worst of winter is hopefully behind us. With the change of season just around the corner, now...

Spring has almost sprung, how to look after your spring related eye issues

August 26, 2021 / itchy eyes

Spring is the season of hope, budding flowers, bouncy lambs and the end of winter! But for those who suffer from hay fever, it can be a real drag. You may have already started to experience itchy eyes and runny noses as the worst of winter is hopefully behind us. With the change of season just around the corner, now...
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Why Are My Eyes Sore and Itchy? Everything You Need To Know About Dry Eye

April 2, 2019 / itchy eyes

Most people will know the feeling of having irritated, sore or itchy eyes – a long-haul flight, a pesky eyelash stuck in your eye or a terrible night sleep could be a cause of this. Unfortunately for some people, this feeling is a condition known as dry eye and can be caused by a variety of things, and not to...
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