We may be a small team but we are mighty! Our team is committed to guiding you through the process of laser eye surgery, making sure you feel comfortable and supported throughout. We know it can be a daunting process for some, so let us introduce the smiling faces (behind the masks) you’ll see throughout.

Philippa – Client Care Coordinator

Philippa is the person who will contact you when you enquire on our website about laser eye surgery. You’ll most likely interact with her over the phone or through email as you start your patient journey with us. Philippa will share in your excitement about the possibility of laser vision correction as she finds the right assessment and process suited to you. She will do her utmost to find you a slot that best fits your personal plans.  You may even see her in our clinic if you’re lucky enough!

Maddi – Receptionist (Wellington)

Maddi will typically be the first friendly face you see when you enter our Wellington clinic for an appointment. After greeting you with a warm welcome, Maddi will confirm your appointment, who you will be seeing, and show you to our waiting area. She’ll quickly learn your name and know which appointments suit you best. Maddi is always there to help and her incredibly kind nature will put you at ease when you step out of the elevator.

Julia – Receptionist (Hawkes Bay)

Our Hawkes Bay Clinic is small so you’re guaranteed to meet our lovely receptionist Julia as you walk in the door. Whether you’re there for a Free Assessment with our Optometrist Shannon or a Medical Assessment with Dr Logan, Julia will make you feel comfortable as you wait for your appointment. If required she’ll assist you with further bookings afterward too.

Megan – Ophthalmic Technician

The first of our fabulous Technicians! You will likely meet Megan at your free assessment or during your pre-operative talk. At your free assessment, you will have a variety of tests and scans done to determine your suitability for laser eye surgery. During this Megan will be able to tell you more about laser eye surgery, and our patient journey.

Emily – Ophthalmic Technician

Emily is another one of our delightful Technicians! If you don’t meet her at the free assessment stage you will likely meet her during your pre-operative talk. She’ll go through what to expect during surgery and your recovery, and will hopefully help calm your nerves before your procedure.

Shannon – Optometrist

You will likely meet Shannon at your medical assessment in Wellington or your free assessment in Napier. But where Shannon really shines is during your follow-up care. For those based in Wellington, you’ll see Shannon regularly after your surgery where she’ll work to make sure you have the best recovery. For those out of Wellington, she’ll still be making sure you get the attention you need as well! Find out more about Shannon and why we think she’s great in our other blog. 

Peter – Optometrist

Peter joins us two days a week to provide follow-up appointments and medical assessments in Wellington. Follow-up care after surgery is very important to us, and to ensure we can provide the level of care that we pride ourselves in, we needed another Optometrist. This means Peter focuses on our Wellington patients and Shannon is able to look after the out-of-town patients. Peter has a long history in Optometry and you will be in good hands during your appointments with him. To find out more about Peter and his optometry career have a read of this blog!

Dr. Andrew Logan – Ophthalmologist

The man that brings us all together! Dr. Logan is an accomplished Ophthalmologist specializing in the cornea and the anterior segment of the eye as well as laser eye surgery. With almost 40 years in Ophthalmology and over 25 years in laser eye surgery, you’re in good hands. Being New Zealand’s first LASIK eye surgeon Dr. Logan has always been a pioneer in his field. He also has a keen eye for photography and you can spot some of his pieces around our Wellington clinic. 

Hannah – Registered Nurse

Our kind and caring Nurse Hannah will guide you through your surgery from start to finish! She welcomes you into our pre-op room where you can put your feet up and relax in our super comfortable rocking chair. She’ll gently apply anaesthetic eye drops to make your surgery comfortable and pain-free. Hannah will then take you into theatre where she assists Dr. Logan. If you need a hand to hold or some support during surgery, Hannah will be right by your side – her main job is caring for you! After surgery, she’ll talk you through your post-operative instructions and answer any questions you might have before you go home. The sweetest part of the deal however is the nurses lolly jar – be sure to get your sugar fix before you leave!

Maisie – Office Manager

Maisie keeps us all grounded and united as a team. Although you may not meet Maisie she’s always working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is ticking along. She previously worked as an ophthalmic technician for five years – so she knows a lot about the clinical side of things too! She is also the clever person who publishes our educational blogs

If you are interested in having laser eye surgery then give us a call on 0800 733 327. Or fill out the book a free assessment and someone from our team will get back to you with more information. Dr Logan and the team look forward to meeting you!

The team mascot - Cooper.
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